Jack's Bag

A little while ago I wanted to make something unique for my youngest nephew. But what to make him when I didn’t have too much material around the home? And then I stumbled upon some ideas on Pinterest.

Ta da!!

I’ll repurpose a pair of mens work pants into a Day Care Sheet Bag!

The pants were perfect for the task…a sturdy version of cargo pants, but what to do about a little hole right in the middle of my new bag? Easy solution, embroider a patch to cover it!

To cover up a small hole, and to incorporate my nephew's name.
To cover up a small hole, and to incorporate my nephew’s name.


I was stumped for a bit when it came to working out handles…that was until my Brother-In-Law kindly donated some decorative straps off a pair of his clubbing pants. He was forever losing the straps, or forgetting where he’d left them, so was more than happy to contribute a little something to a fun, family project.

So the bag was coming together, with removable handles that I placed to appear like braces holding up pants…and could be configured to best suit Mummy and Daddy…personal patch to cover up a teeny, tiny hole as well as give the bag an ID and fully lined  (including drawstring) to offer a little bit more protection. I am rather pleased with how it all turned out, considering I had no clue when I started how to go about it all.

If I make another one I’ll be sure to take photos along the way, so I can do up a proper tutorial.

And you never know, with a Great Nephew on the way, anything is possible.

Lined and large enough for sheets to be 'stuffed' into.
Lined and large enough for sheets to be ‘stuffed’ into.
Some colourful, decorative stitching to join up the two legs.
Some colourful, decorative stitching to join up the two legs.
Kindly donated by Brother-In-Law
Kindly donated by Brother-In-Law