

My adventures into the world of DIY…the good and the not so good.


escort cards

Smaller Wedding details rule the day.

The past few weeks have been swallowed up, rather quickly, with wedding details. Our dining table is more of a craft table/wedding HQ than a table for us to eat on. Only a few more months, then hopefully some semblance of normal will return. Maybe.

I’ve taken a breather for the past few weeks, after getting all the invites out in the big, wide world I needed a little down time. Now it’s over, and I’m starting to plan out, and mock up, our Placecards, along with designing our Table Chart, Thank You cards and to continuing debate of to Program or not to Program.

I’ve been scouring Pinterest yet again for ideas, inspiration and any tutorials I can get my hands on. You’d think Placecards would be pretty straight forward and easy, well I did until the past week. I couldn’t have been more incorrect if I’d tried. It has been fun though, as I’ve played with glitter (yes, the house is wearing it well) stuck myself with glue more times than I can count, burnt my fingers while playing with the heat gun…..note the hot glue gun is still in hibernation, our peace treaty is still in effect.

The end result?

The Man & I have worked out what we like, how we want them to look and the budget. All boxes ticked!

Might need to stock up on some burn cream/powder while I think of it…heat gun and I are going to get very up close and personal.

mock up selection placecard mock up  #2 placecard mock up #1



Boxes, boxes and to be different..tag!

I’m certainly enjoying my new talents, truth be told I’m enjoying my new tools hence my new talents.

Over the past two days I’ve made the template/sample of our completed wedding invite, with RSVP envelope, an envelope gift tag, a few cards and two different styles of boxes.

The Man and I have decided I’m going to alter the tag a fraction and we’ll be using these as our Escort Cards/Place Cards at our reception. Something quirky, different but still functional. I’m actually really impressed with how quick and easy they were to make up, especially as I’m what I would still consider a beginner in the art of papercraft.

Here’s the link to the YouTube tutorial that inspired me to begin with.





This morning I also decided to learn how to make at least one different style of box, especially with Christmas just around the corner. Am thinking ahead as to which gifts can go in different boxes. Again, really quick, easy and functional. You can find the link here:


And yesterday I posted on my Facebook page a link to make a gorgeous little box that requires no cutting at all! One of my friends made one earlier today, and sent me a picture, as well as holding me accountable to my promise to make one before the morning. I do love accountability. So, after a failed attempt with my gorgeous Kaszazz Damask paper, I reverted to using up some of my old cardstock from K-Mart and started over again. It looks amazing when finished, is certainly different and a little bit of a challenge on some of the folds, but if this beginner can do it, anyone can do it!! The link you need to make these yourself is:

Am certainly enjoying myself, and creating so many different items out of paper. Am still trying to work out a way to turn this into some pocket money for myself, but no rush.

If you attempt any of these projects yourself, please send me a picture of your completed work, then I can celebrate with you. Also, if you have any tips, hints or recommendations, please let me know as well.

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